What If You Can Attract Anything You Want In Life?
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Master Sri Akarshana
International Speaker, Entrepreneur, Author, Philanthropist 
"This All Came To Me One Morning..."
The message of the law of attraction has been passed down for thousands of years. I woke up early one morning, picked up my phone and started typing; my thumbs wouldn’t stop for three and a half hours. 

Then when they stopped, I completed this book where I will share with you my personal journey and understanding, where I successfully using the laws of attraction to create multi-million dollar business, set up a non-profit organisation that feeds an educates hundred of orphans out in Kenya and create and live the life of my dreams. I will also share with you how you can create the life of your dreams too, start living life on your terms through practical steps and applications of the law of attraction.
“This is an absolute must-read if you want to use the law of attraction effectively, and learning it from someone who has actually successfully applied it. It is practical, concise, and straight to the point. Read it, learn it, set it, and forget it. You will see the magic unfold in your life.”  
Tim Han
Founder of Success Insider
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